Conservation Biology class field trip to Maine, March 2018
Over an action-packed two days, my Harvard University Conservation Biology students visited five organizations to learn about marine conservation efforts in Maine. In particular, we got a close look at the interface between marine sustainability and aquaculture. Our stops included the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Mook Sea Farm, Bigelow Marine Labs (including a delicious seaweed-focused dinner by Ocean's Balance), the Ocean Approved seaweed farm, Bangs Island Mussels, and the Friends of Casco Bay.
Getting a tour from Bill Mook at Mook Sea Farm, an oyster producer and one of the largest oyster seed hatcheries on the US east coast.
Checking out the Bangs Island floating mussel farm with Paul Dobbins of Ocean Approved seaweed.
Talking seaweed farming and getting out on Casco Bay with Paul Dobbins of Ocean Approved seaweed farm.